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Saturday, May 24, 2008

New President of Taiwan

Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan's opposition Kwomintang Party, has won the presidential elections in Taiwan.He swept to victory against former-prime minister Frank Hsieh, the candidate for the ruling Democratic Progressive Party.I am happy with our new elected Taiwan President.

He is probably normalizing relations with China and establishing close trade relations with the mainland.I think this move is important as it can bring a long term peace between two lands.And i hope peace will remain forever.However,Taiwan as a country is still unchangable.

No matter who's our new President,Taiwan is still a democracy country.This ideology had been implanted since long ago,and for now is still democracy,and so in the future.We love the freedom,human right we having now.ONce again,congrates to our new President.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulation to our new president!!